Forensic Accident Reconstruction & Cause Analysis
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845-658-9042(Office) / 845-389-8817 (Voice /Text)
Expert Testimony & Consultation /

Low Speed Impact

In many assignments, in cases where the accident resulted in either limited or sometimes even ‘no’ vehicle damage, a question is raised as to the magnitude, geometry, and overall severity of an impact and it’s relationship to the injury kinematics claimed. In these matters, the crash Delta-V, principle direction of force, and kinematics of the claimed injuries are analyzed. A multi-disciplinary approach involving the reconstruction of the accident, medical analysis, and interpretations of the injuries claimed are evaluated. Vehicle examinations, vehicle photographs, occupant fit checks, analysis of repair records, and low speed crash testing can assist in evaluating these types of accidents. Various types of computer simulation and animation may be incorporated into these types of forensic reconstructions.